Nom de la ressource :
- Manuscripta Mediaevalia (MM)
- Handschriftenportal (HSP - variant information concerning this project in italics)
Électronique/papier (adresse, références) :
Langue des manuscrits : Latin, german, further vernacular languages (french, italian), greek.
Limites chronologiques :
- MM :No strict limits, but focus lies on medieval manuscripts; modern autographs or personal papers are no subject to the database.
- HSP: Medieval and modern book-manuscripts.
Limites géographiques :
- MM : Basically focused on German institutions (libraries, archives).
- HSP: Designed to be the central portal for the cataloguing and digitization of book-manuscripts in German institutions.
Nombre de manuscrits : Approximately 120.000 documents on about 115.000 manuscripts.
Type de description :
- MM: All levels of description from various cataloguing traditions and ways of data gathering are present: 35.000 scientific descriptions in full text, 40.000 scientific descriptions as index entries, 35.000 converted documents from older catalogues and inventories, 5.000 dummies with links to catalogue-images.
- HSP: Different cataloguing- (old - new, scientific - inventory) and data-qualities (full-text - index-only) shall be marked.
Modalités de description du contenu des mss. : The content-descriptions basically follow the cataloguing-rules of the DFG (german research foundation). Older descriptions and inventories may vary from this.
Sources d’informations : Sources for gathered data are either primary data-capturing of descriptions or the conversion of various types of manuscript catalogues. Both sources are originally based on autopsy. Selected older catalogue-data has subsequently been complemented by current information.
Référentiels utilisés pour les cotes :
- MM : Owning institution gives guidance for respective catalogue. Shelf-mark-information from catalogue is transferred into the data. Incoherent (shelf-mark)-data has partly been normalized.
- HSP : Project will talk back to owning institutions for an authority-syntax of their shelf marks. This syntax will be applied to the existing data. Information will be handed to the GND (Gemeinsame Normdatei) as authority-data for reuse (class: works - cultural objects).
Référentiels utilisés pour les noms de personnes (et collectivités) et les textes :
- MM : For personal names: GND as authority file. Literary works, place-names, institutions as well as personal names who are not (yet) part of the GND undergo MM-internal standardization.
- HSP :GND-linking for persons, institutions, place-names and literary works.
Liens vers d’autres ressources en ligne :
- HSP : Linking to WZIS (watermarks) and EBDB (binding) (SRU ?); data-exchange with partners (locally/regionally and/or thematically oriented services).
Informations complémentaires sur les manuscrits présents dans la ressource :
- MM : Links to manuscript images (internal and distributed services), 13.000 objects. Links to local electronic bibliographical documentations in Munich and Wolfenbüttel.
- HSP : Aims to be complete index of all digitized manuscripts in German institutions (integration of and linking to images).
Identifiants stables (cotes, personnes, textes, etc.); nature (significatifs ou non, etc.)
- MM : All descriptions have permanent adresses; not indicative.
- HSP : Permanent adresses for all entities (descriptions and their parts: binding, texts, fragments etc.; persons, institutions, literary works).
Autres ressources papier/électroniques sur le même domaine (langue, aire géographique, etc.) :
- German manuscripts: Handschriftencensus
- Illustrated German manuscripts: KdiH
- Distributed local ressources (library or archival online-catalogues)
Date de création : MM : Started 1996, online since 2000.
Projet en préparation/ en cours /achevé :
- MM : Running ; shall be replaced by HSP.
- HSP : DFG-funding applied for. Project could start in 2018.
Noms et coordonnées des responsables :
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München
Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte, Foto Marburg
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München
Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (HSP-project-partner)
Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel (HSP-project-partner)
Nombre de collaborateurs réguliers :
- MM : Currently three employees in the supporting institutions.
- HSP : Group of project-cooperators.
Modalités d’interactions avec les autres institutions culturelles, patrimoniales et de recherche : MM is and HSP will be supervised by the consortium of German manuscript centres and its international scientific board of advisers.